
Classwork - Homework (1st Term - pending)

CLASSWORK :   Check HOMEWORK section below FIRST TERM Error Correction  (link in the name)  (I was riding a bike...) Dante Juan  Romeo Camila Emma Pilar Tomás Avril  Felipe (Do Past I, Past II) Fabricio Inazio Ernesto (Correct Xs) Ema F. Lucio Agustina Paloma Paula (Correct X) Alejo (Correct X) Lara Ignacio Inés D'amico ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOMEWORK FIRST TERM Past Time Photocopy  (copy here) No Name 1 No Name 2 Fernán Camila Francisco Justina Agustina (Complete Pasteur's text, 1h, redo 2b) Nicolás (redo 2b) Paula (do 2A and 2B) Fabricio (missing first ex.) Ignacio  Inés Language Choice 19 Catalina Paula (and Lg Choice 22, good extra work!) Ignacio

Classwork - Homework (2nd Term - pending)

CLASSWORK :   Check HOMEWORK section below. SECOND TERM Usually / Now questionnaire Francisco Agustina Tomás Avril Inazio (Ask the questions to a partner. Write their answer in the third person: She usually...) Antonella (Complete the answers in the third person: She usually...) Victoria (Switch the answers to the third person). Lara (Complete and correct X) Fernán (Switch the answers to the third person: He usually...). Paula (Complete Nina's answers about actions now/these days) Paloma (Complete answers) Juana G. (Correct Xs) Marcos (Complete answers in third person) Fabricio (Correct X. Complete "NOW".  Switch the answers to the third person: He usually...) Juana P. (Correct corrections. Hand in original and corrections again) Ema (Correct X in first person. Switch to the 3rd) Lucio (Write in full answers: S/he is watching...) Nina (Correct X. Complete answers for the "NOW" column) Juan (Correct X.  Complete answers for the ...

Classwork - Homework (3rd Term)

CLASSWORK :   Check HOMEWORK section below. THIRD TERM Student's book pg. 34, ex 1 to 5.  Tomás (Correct X) Camila Avril Paula Inés (missing 5) Catalina Victoria Pedro Felipe L. Francisco - Juana P. Ernesto Inazio Agustina Nina Ema Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix Part II - A & B. ( copy here )   (Narrated in groups what happened in first fragment of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , using Past Simple and Past Continuous. If you were absent you can narrate a five minute fragment of your favourite movie instead:  write this title anyway for me to understand what you are doing ). Lara Ema Valentino  (Correct) Fernán  (Correct) Agustina  (Correct) Martina  (Correct) Fabricio  (Correct) - W Dante  (Correct) - W Paloma (Correct) - W Juana G.  (Correct X) - W Nicolás  (Correct X) - W Paula (Correct X) - W Alejo Inazio Victoria Juana P. Ernesto Francisco  (Correct) Ju...

Test date and topics

Third term: Dear all, Please remember next class is our written term test. Remember to study vocabulary from the Drive, and the short story "The way up to heaven", which we will start in class and you will finish for homework. You can have the book at the test (you can't have any notes that are not about vocabulary in the book or your test will be annulled). Grammar: - routines and actions now - finished and continuous actions in the past - actions in the past with a result in or connection to the present - countable and uncountable nouns - "to" and "for" for purpose Remember to check the tab "CLE & Tutoring" for times at the CERLE if you need extra help!! ASK ME if you have any questions! Regards, Carola --- Dear all, Please remember next class is our test (September 1st).  Moreover, you should hand in pending classwork on September 8th . On September 1st, I will test you briefly on grammar and vocabulary. You can fi...

Correction Guide

Dear all, The following is my corrections guide so you can self-correct (and really learn from the mistakes). Gr:     Grammar (mistake in grammatical form, agreement) V:       Vocabulary (collocation or phrase might be wrong) T:        Tense. (no conjugation or wrong conjugation) R:       Reference (pronouns, deixis, etc) C:       Connectors SP:     Spelling P:       Punctuation and Capitalization (...):    Something's missing ww:    wrong word (replace this word for another) wo:    wrong order F:       form (an -s missing, "ing" instead of "ed," etc) Let me know if you have any question! Regards, Carola

Vocabulary Drive

Dear all, Please make sure to complete the drive with definitions for the words in it, and more words from your homework tasks. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vbBX_uHtirB2w0zeYM_etdy3zbxprdOX6LEbs5YgxR0/edit?usp=sharing Let me know if you have any questions! Regards, Carola

CLE exams + Tutoring

Dear all, CLE exams are coming soon! Those of you who enrolled can get copies of exams to practice and self-check at the CERLE. If you have any questions, you can send me an email, or go to the CERLE for extra tutoring. The following are times and days that teachers are available to help you with CLE (or class!) questions. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity. Martes 9.00 a 12-00 y 15-00 a 18-00 hs (Ayte.  Martina  Poverene) Martes  13:00 a 15:00 hs.(Prof. Mariano Alarcón) Jueves  10:00 a 12:00 hs.(Prof. Marisa Voloch) Viernes 09:00 a 13:00 y 18:00 a 20:00 hs.(Ayte.  Martina  Poverene) Regards, Carola